The Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Search is a community of young adults within the Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese that is sponsored by the St. Joseph Salesian Youth Renewal Center. Each community member is on a journey seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. The Search community provides opportunities to give and receive support through fellowship, prayer, and service. A key aspect of our young adult ministry is offering a weekend retreat every three months.
Search is a weekend experience in a Catholic Christian Community. The Search experience will reflect a balance of the Word and Sacraments according to the practice of the Catholic Church. The central theme of the weekend, Searching for Christian Maturity, is explored through a personal and interactive approach.
The weekend is prepared by trained team members who want to share their faith journey with others. Members of the team include a Spiritual Director and Parental Advisors who are present during the weekend to offer guidance and answer any questions.
Any young adult age 18 and older is eligible. The weekend is open to Christians of all denominations, but we are Catholic based.
If you are interested in experiencing a Search weekend, please contact them by:
Phone: (626)788-2463
E-mail: [email protected]
Visit our Search website at:
(Please note that SEARCH is not administered nor operated by the Salesians of Don Bosco.)